Technical Information

NCHDA data submission: clinical guide on the definition of “congenital”

Paediatric cardiac surgical or interventional procedures are defined as any cardiac or intrathoracic great vessel procedure carried out in patients under the age of 16 years.

Adult congenital cardiac procedures are defined as those performed for a cardiac defect present from birth. This does NOT include surgery or therapeutic catheterisation for degenerative disease such as aortic aneurysm or dissection or mitral valve surgery even if associated with hereditary conditions such as Marfan’s syndrome or other connective tissue diseases. Aortic valve disease requiring treatment in adult life is always a dilemma, as many patients have had some aortic valve anomaly from birth. As suggested by the SCTS some years ago, it seems reasonable to suggest that as a general practical cutoff patients under the age of 30 years who have aortic valve procedures should be regarded as having congenital heart disease but those over the age of 30 should be regarded as having degenerative valve disease unless they have had previous treatment for aortic stenosis during childhood.

Patent foramen ovale is present from birth and PFO closure therefore falls within the remit of the National Congenital Audit

All paediatric and adult congenital procedures should be submitted to the National Congenital Audit, others to the relevant adult national clinical audit databases.

File Downloads

Dataset V6 (added 28/3/2018)Congenital_v6_Dataset_Standard.xlsxCongenital_v6_Dataset_Standard.xlsx
Data Manual (added 28/3/2018)nchda_data_manual.pdfnchda_data_manual.pdf
NCHDA and Fetal codes (added 28/3/2018)nchda_and_fetal_codes_v7.1.xlsxnchda_and_fetal_codes_v7.1.xlsx
Activity Algorithm (added 28/3/2018)activity_analysis_algorithm_v6.14.docxactivity_analysis_algorithm_v6.14.docx
Specific Procedure Definition (added 28/3/2018)specific_procedure_algorithm_v6.03.docxspecific_procedure_algorithm_v6.03.docx
Sample R Code for Analysis processing (added 28/3/2018)02.nchda_aa_sp_shared_codes.r02.nchda_aa_sp_shared_codes.r01.specific_procedure_algorithm_v6.05.r01.specific_procedure_algorithm_v6.05.r01.activity_analysis_algorithm_v6.14.r01.activity_analysis_algorithm_v6.14.r
Funnel Plots for 2013-2016
Archive of Funnel plots and tables as of July 2014Funnels July 2014.zipFunnels July
Archive of Funnel plots and tables as of May 2013Funnels May 2013.zipFunnels May
Congenital Dataset 4.09 and Infective Endocarditis 1.01 Dataset. (revised 14/04/2012)Paediatric_Surgery_Intervention_v4.09 including IE_V1.01.xls Paediatric_Surgery_Intervention_v4.09 including IE_V1.01.xls
Specific Procedure Definitions v5.05. Describes the criteria and process for determining the specific procedure assignment. (revised 25/05/2016)
Specific Procedure Coding v5.05 25_05_16.xlsxSpecific Procedure Coding v5.05 25_05_16.xlsx
European Paediatric Cardiac Code Short List. OPCSV4.7 (revised 1/04/2015)

Copyright, database rights and all other rights in and to this European Paediatric Cardiac Coding System ("System") and in and to every part of it belong to the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology. Hospitals, medical centres and similar institutions may use, copy, store and otherwise reproduce the System for internal business purposes only at their own risk and responsibility provided that no modifications of any nature are made to the System and that all copies are clearly marked as being proprietary to the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology (14/04/2008)
EPCCShort2015 OPCSv4.7 01Apr15-NCHDA.xlsxEPCCShort2015 OPCSv4.7 01Apr15-NCHDA.xlsx
(File is read only)
Export File Format. Describes the file format required to submit data via the Congenital CCAD database (revised 09/07/2008)PAEDS_export_file_format.pdf

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